Act camp
Act camp

Act Camp

Teglværksvej 30, 4420 Regstrup

Do you think climate chaos calls for some 'climagic'? Then join Act Camp and create new stories about the future of the climate generation. The camp is free to attend.

Join Act Camp for a magical summer experience in nature with other young people.

The summer camp is for young people who want to spend time outside, be inspired by nature and feel a sense of belonging to the world we live in through magic and enchantment. Together we will shape new stories and narratives about the future of the climate generation through role play and theatre.

Do you like being in a creative and playful community with other young people? Then Act Camp is for you! It's free to attend but registration is required (click the green button 'Tilmelding' above to start your registration).  

Behind the summer camp is the environmental movement NOAH, who, among other things, works with young people's connection to nature, mental well-being and climate commitment.


Practical info on Act Camp

Act Camp takes place at Makvärket, a cultural factory located in the former Knabstrup Ceramic Factory in Vestsjælland (Western Zealand).

Transport: Makvärket is located 1.5 kilometres from Knabstrup station, where there are trains directly from Copenhagen Central Station every hour. It is possible to walk the rest of the way, or you can contact or write when you register if you need to be picked up by car.

Accommodation: Makvärket has eight bedrooms where we can sleep four to five people in each room. If you have any special needs or preferences regarding sleeping arrangements, please contact or mention it when you register. You are also very welcome to bring a tent if you want to sleep outdoors. 

Food: We have hired "The Good Company" to prepare delicious vegan dishes directly from Makvärket's kitchen three times a day as well as snacks, cake and tea/coffee. 


Thanks to

Act Camp is made possible with support from Erasmus+, Friluftsrådet, Villum Fonden and Dansk Ungdoms Fællesråd.

No-show fee

NOTE: The summer camp is free to attend, but please note that there is a no-show fee of DKK 200.

We are happy to offer the opportunity to participate in our summer camp free of charge with everything paid.

In the unlikely event that a registered participant fails to show up without notifying NOAH, we have a no-show fee of DKK 200. Of course, it is still possible to cancel without paying the fee.

You must send a cancellation by email to or call +45 35 36 12 12 no later than one week before the event.


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Sign up / Tilmeld

NOTE: All food is vegan and at least organic / OBS: Al maden er vegansk og som minimum økologisk


Din støtte er altafgørende for, at vi kan levere et stykke arbejde, der gør en forskel

Ved at støtte NOAH bidrager du til kampen for en retfærdig, bæredygtig og solidarisk verden. Din støtte betyder, at vi kan arbejde uafhængigt, opnå større indflydelse og organisere flere kloden rundt.

Du kan nemt oprette en fast støtte via betalingsservice.

Eller du kan fx støtte via MobilePay eller bank. Hvis du opgiver dit ved indbetalingen er din gave fradragsberettiget (op til kr. 18.300 i 2024). Tusind tak!